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TumbleBookLibrary is a curated database of children’s e-books, available by subscription to Elementary Schools and Public Libraries around the world. Access is FREE for Carver Library patrons.

TumbleBookLibrary Premium has over 1100 titles for grades K-6, and includes our unique animated, talking picture books, read-along chapter books, National Geographic videos, non-fiction books, playlists, as well as books in Spanish and French. Plus, the collection features Graphic Novels – a student favorite!


TeenBookCloud is a curated database of e-books and other digital content for Middle Schools and High Schools, as well as Public Libraries.

The growing collection features over 1000 titles, including student-favorite Graphic Novels, enhanced e-books with full audio narration and highlighted text, classic literature, national geographic videos, and more!


AudioBookCloud is a curated database of streaming audio books and is available by subscription to Public Libraries around the world.

The growing collection features over 1200 titles, including dozens of genres and interest levels. The collection includes popular literature, classics, children’s and teen books, mystery, sci-fi, history, biography, and more!

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